Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.


Domestic violence cases involving spouses and other intimate partners often entail complex processes that require careful consideration by the criminal justice system. In the 1990s, many jurisdictions began to create specialized domestic violence courts for judges to ensure follow-through on cases, aid domestic violence victims, and hold those who commit the crimes accountable, with the assistance of justice and social service agencies.

By specializing in domestic violence offenses, these courts aim to process cases more efficiently and deliver more consistent rulings about domestic violence statutes. Some domestic violence courts also incorporate a stronger focus on rehabilitation of persons convicted of domestic violence and deterrence of repeat offenses.

On this page, find links to articles, awards, events, publications, and multimedia related to domestic violence courts.

Domestic Violence Courts - A Promising Practice

Domestic violence courts (DVCs) follow the problem-solving court model and offer alternative judicial processing for individuals accused of domestic violence. DVCs seek to reduce both general recidivism and violent domestic recidivism among individuals charged with a domestic violence offense.