Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

How to Complete the NIJ Programmatic Cover Sheet

Applicant Name: Enter the name of the applicant/entity applying for NIJ funds. If you are a subcontractor/subrecipient, fill out the name of the subcontracted/subrecipient agency/lab/entity applying for funds from the prime applicant.

Point of Contact Name: Enter POC Name (this can either be the POC listed in the application, the person overseeing the work, or the person filling out the NIJ Grants Program Checklist approved by the POC).

POC signature: Enter POC signature, electronically or by hand indicating that the POC certifies the completeness and accuracy of the information contained in the NIJ Grants Program Checklist.

Date submitted: Enter the date that the NIJ Grants Program Checklist was submitted, either with your application or via email to the NIJ NEPA contractor.

Program: Enter the name of the program and/or notice of funding opportunity title that your application falls under, ex. “FY2020 Research and Evaluation on Promising Reentry Initiatives”.

Application Number: Enter the application number generated by the system. Subcontracted agencies/labs will have the same application# as the prime agency/lab. If you have already received a grant number, please input the grant number as well.

TCG Technical Recommendation: Leave “TCG Technical Recommendation” blank. This is for the signature of the environmental specialist who will be reviewing your NIJ Grants Program Checklist.

NIJ Approval: Leave “NIJ Approval” blank. This is for the signature of the NIJ NEPA Coordinator.

Fecha de Publicación: 9 de Septiembre de 2019